Home » BBWDatefinder – Is It Worth It?

BBWDatefinder – Is It Worth It?

Are you a BBW looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that don’t quite cater to your needs? Well, have we got something special for you! We’re taking an in-depth look at BBWDatefinder – the online dating site made just for big beautiful women and their admirers. So what makes this one different from all the rest? Is it worth giving it a try or should you keep on swiping left?! Let’s find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as exciting and entertaining as watching paint dry then BBWDatefinder is the place to be! I mean, don’t get me wrong – it might have some potential but in my experience there are far better options out there. It just doesn’t seem worth the time or money when compared to other sites. Plus, their matching system leaves something to be desired – so much so that it feels like throwing darts blindfolded! All in all, unless you really want your online dating experience to go nowhere fast then give this one a miss.

BBWDatefinder in 10 seconds

  • BBWDatefinder is a dating site for plus-sized singles.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at $14.99/month.
  • Premium subscription prices range from $14.99/month to $34.99/month depending on the length of the subscription.
  • BBWDatefinder does not have an app but it is accessible via mobile browsers.
  • BBWDatefinder’s pricing is competitive with other sites in the same niche.
  • The site has a secure SSL encryption to protect user data.
  • Users can verify their profiles by linking their social media accounts.
  • BBWDatefinder offers detailed profile sections to help users find better matches.
  • The site also has a live chat feature to facilitate conversations between members.

How we reviewed BBWDatefinder

My team and I put BBWDatefinder through its paces to give our readers the most comprehensive review possible. We tested both free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across a period of 10 days. We also looked into all features available on this dating site, from profile creation options for members right down to search filters so you can find your perfect match quickly. In addition, we checked out how user-friendly it is by testing various aspects such as navigation menus or contact forms with customer service representatives (we got back responses within 24 hours). To top off our review process we ran some background checks on their security measures like encryption protocols used for data protection purposes. Our commitment goes beyond just giving an opinion about BBWDatefinder; instead, what sets us apart from other reviews sites is that each one of these steps were taken carefully before writing up any conclusions based on facts rather than hearsay!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that stands out from the crowd, BBWDatefinder is not it. The design and usability of this website are far from impressive. With its outdated colors and clunky layout, navigating through the pages feels like taking a trip back in time to an era when websites were still being designed with Geocities.

The homepage has too many elements competing for attention – all in garish shades of pink, purple and blue – making it hard to focus on any one thing at once. It also takes forever to load which doesn’t make things any easier! And if you thought signing up was going be easy… think again! There’s no clear sign-up button anywhere so users have to search around before they can even start using the site properly; talk about frustrating! Once inside though there are some improvements: members get access more features such as chat rooms or forums but these don’t really help much either since most conversations feel forced or lack depth due mainly because there aren’t enough active users online at once (which isn’t surprising considering how dated everything looks). If anything, upgrading your membership just gives you access better UI/UX tools such as profile customization options – but let’s face it who wants pay extra money just for those? Not me that’s for sure!.

All in all BBWDatefinder does offer potential daters an opportunity meet new people however I wouldn’t recommend this website unless absolutely necessary; after all why settle when there are plenty other fish in sea?!

Mobile App

Ah, BBWDatefinder – the online dating site for big beautiful women and their admirers. Unfortunately, there is no mobile app available yet from this website. It’s a real shame because having an app could really make things easier for those who are looking to find love or companionship on the platform.

It seems that most of today’s popular dating sites have developed apps so it can be confusing why BBWDatefinder hasn’t done the same yet – but perhaps they just haven’t gotten around to it! After all, developing a native mobile application takes time and money; both of which may not be readily available right now due to COVID-19 related economic issues affecting businesses worldwide. Plus if you’re already using your phone browser then you won’t miss out on any features as long as your device has internet access (which let’s face it these days almost everyone does).

That said though I’m sure many users would appreciate being able to take advantage of certain benefits that come with having an official app such as push notifications when someone sends them messages or likes/dislikes their profile etc., plus faster loading times compared with web browsers since everything will already be stored locally in memory instead of needing fetched from remote servers each time like what happens over cellular networks (especially important if data costs are high!). Not only that but some people simply prefer using dedicated applications rather than websites even though functionally speaking they might offer exactly the same features – call me old fashioned but I know plenty folks who still feel more comfortable downloading something “official” rather than going through third party services where security risks tend higher too…

All in all while we wait patiently for news about whether or not BBWDateFinder will ever get its own standalone application my advice would remain: keep checking back regularly at www dot bbwdatefinder dot com every once in awhile just incase anything changes!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BBWDatefinder, don’t bother. It’s a total letdown. Not only is there no page with frequently asked questions, but even when I contacted them directly multiple times – nothing! No response whatsoever or if they did respond it was totally unsatisfactory and didn’t help at all. Talk about the blind leading the blind!

It doesn’t matter whether you have an issue signing up to their dating site or need some advice on how to get your profile noticed; trying to access any kind of customer service from this company is like pulling teeth – painful and time consuming! And forget about getting a quick response either; good luck waiting around for that one because it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon (if ever). In fact, my guess would be that they just ignore emails altogether in hopes that customers will give up eventually… not cool guys, not cool at all!!

The bottom line here? If you want decent customer service then look elsewhere ’cause BBWDatefinder sure isn’t going cut it. They might as well put out a sign saying “Abandon hope all ye who enter here" because honestly what other conclusion can be drawn after such dismal performance?! So save yourself some hassle and find another online dating platform where actually getting help won’t feel like banging your head against brick wall every single time…

BBWDatefinder features

Ugh, BBWDatefinder. Where do I even begin? Let me start by saying that if you’re looking for a quality dating site with some unique features, this isn’t the one. It’s not worth your time or money – free OR paid!

The "free" version of BBWDatefinder is pretty much useless and full of ads so don’t bother wasting your time on it. The only thing worse than the lack of useful features is their customer service which leaves something to be desired (to put it nicely). If you have any issues while using the website they’ll take forever to get back to you and when they finally do respond, their answers are often unhelpful at best. Not exactly reassuring if there’s an issue with my account or payment information…

As far as paid membership goes…well let’s just say that unless someone holds a gun up against your head demanding that you sign up for this service then don’t waste another second considering it! You’d think paying customers would receive better treatment but unfortunately no such luck here – same terrible customer support plus all kinds of hidden fees thrown in too boot! Oh yeah and did I mention how slow everything runs? Loading times can be painfully long sometimes making browsing through profiles nearly impossible without having patience like Job himself had!!

And what about those “unique” features everyone talks about? Don’t believe them because there aren’t any!!! No special matching algorithms or anything else cool like other sites offer – nothing outta ordinary whatsoever except maybe how annoying navigating around can be due its poor design layout….but hey who wants THAT feature right?! Ughhh….I’m done talking now lol

  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Video chat and messaging tools to facilitate communication
  • Secure, safe, and private environment for users
  • Comprehensive profile creation to showcase your interests and personality
  • Matching algorithm to help you find compatible partners

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to BBWDatefinder include popular dating sites such as Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid which all offer a variety of options for those looking for plus-size partners. Additionally, there are several niche dating websites specifically designed for curvy singles including CurvesConnect and LargeFriends.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder


1. How to sign up for BBWDatefinder?

Signing up for BBWDatefinder is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is provide your basic info and create a profile, then you’re good to go. It’s not the most reliable dating site out there though, so I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something serious.

2. How can I know that the profiles on BBWDatefinder are real?

I wouldn’t trust the profiles on BBWDatefinder. There’s no way to verify that they’re real, and it seems like there are a lot of fake accounts out there. It’s really hard to tell who is actually looking for dates and who isn’t.

3. Is BBWDatefinder worth the money?

I wouldn’t say BBWDatefinder is worth the money. It’s a pretty basic dating site with limited features and not much of an active user base. Overall, I’d recommend looking elsewhere for something more worthwhile.

4. Is BBWDatefinder working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BBWDatefinder is working and you can find someone there, but it’s not the best dating site out there. The matches are often inaccurate and the search function isn’t great either. It definitely could use some improvements!

Michael Valmont

Michael Valmont is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping people find love. With a background in psychology and sociology, Michael understands the intricacies of human behavior when it comes to relationships. He also holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Harvard University which gives him the edge he needs when analyzing different aspects of digital matchmaking platforms. Since early on, Michael was passionate about understanding how humans interact with each other and why some connections last while others don't work out at all - this curiosity eventually led him down the path of becoming an online dating expert. After years spent studying relationship dynamics both offline and online, as well as consulting for various businesses within this field, he decided that writing reviews on popular sites & apps would be one way to help more people get into meaningful relationships without wasting their time or money by signing up for services that are not worth it after all. He believes that knowledge should be shared freely so everyone can benefit from what we know today about successful matchmaking strategies – something you will see reflected in his reviews where practical advice takes precedence over sales pitches or marketing tactics used by many companies nowadays trying to make profits off users’ hopes & dreams instead of actually providing them with quality service they deserve!

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