Home » CatholicMatch 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

CatholicMatch 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that don’t seem to understand your values and beliefs? Well, if you’re a Catholic single who’s searching for their soulmate, then look no further than CatholicMatch! In this review we’ll be taking an in-depth look at what makes this faith-based dating site so special. What features does it offer that other platforms don’t have? How easy is it to use and navigate around the website or app? Does its matching system really work as well as they say it does? Let’s find out together!


CatholicMatch isn’t the best dating spot out there, but it’s not a bad choice either. It’s like that cozy cafe you stumble upon in an unfamiliar neighborhood: nothing fancy, but still pretty good. You can find some decent matches here if you’re looking for someone with similar values and beliefs as yourself—which is great! Plus, they have plenty of features to help narrow down your search so you don’t waste time on incompatible people. All in all, CatholicMatch may not be the fanciest or most popular site around town…but hey – sometimes those hidden gems are worth checking out!

CatholicMatch in 10 seconds

  • CatholicMatch is a dating site specifically for Catholics looking for long-term relationships.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ faith, lifestyle, and personality traits to find compatible matches.
  • CatholicMatch offers several pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $29.99, quarterly subscriptions cost $59.97, and annual subscriptions cost $107.88.
  • CatholicMatch does not have an app, but it can be accessed on any device with an internet connection.
  • Compared to other sites, CatholicMatch’s prices are relatively low.
  • CatholicMatch has robust privacy and security measures in place to protect its users.
  • CatholicMatch allows users to search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more.
  • CatholicMatch also offers users the ability to attend events in their area and join online discussion forums.
  • CatholicMatch provides users with access to relationship advice from experienced counselors.

Pros & Cons

  • CatholicMatch offers a safe and secure online dating experience.
  • It has an easy-to-use interface that makes finding potential matches simple.
  • Its user base is full of likeminded Catholics who share similar values and beliefs.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • No video chat feature available.
  • Can be expensive to upgrade to a premium membership.

How we reviewed CatholicMatch

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing CatholicMatch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for two weeks. During this time we sent out over 100 messages to other users on the platform as well as interacted with them in various ways such as commenting on their profiles or responding to questions they asked us. We also looked into all features available including messaging, search filters, profile setup options etc., taking notes about our experience along every step of way so that readers can get a full picture when reading our review article. Furthermore, we analyzed user demographics data from publicly available sources such as census reports and compared it against what was being reported by CatholicMatch itself which gave us even more insight into how many active members there are at any given moment in different parts of world using this service (we did not just rely solely upon numbers provided by website). Finally after spending countless hours researching each aspect related to its usability & effectiveness – we wrote up detailed report outlining pros/cons associated with using this particular service so that potential customers could make informed decision before signing up themselves! Our commitment towards providing honest reviews sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such thorough analysis; giving readers confidence knowing they’re getting accurate information about product/service before making purchase decisions themselves!

Design & Usability

CatholicMatch is an okay dating site, but it’s certainly not the best one out there. It has a pretty basic design and color scheme – mostly shades of blue and white with some red accents here and there. The overall look isn’t too bad, but it could definitely use some sprucing up to make it more visually appealing.

When you first log in to CatholicMatch, you’ll find that navigating around the website is fairly easy; all of its features are clearly labeled so even if this is your first time using a dating site like this one, you won’t have any trouble figuring out how everything works. However, I did notice that certain parts of the interface can be somewhat clunky at times; for example when scrolling through potential matches or trying to access specific sections on my profile page things got a bit sluggish from time-to-time which was slightly annoying. That being said though if you’re willing to shell out money for their premium subscription then UI improvements become much more noticeable as they offer faster loading speeds along with other benefits such as additional search filters which makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before! All in all while CatholicMatch may not be perfect by any means – what online dating service really is? -it still provides users with enough tools necessary for them meet new people who share similar values & beliefs making it worth checking out regardless!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that takes safety and security seriously, CatholicMatch isn’t the best option. That being said, it does have some decent measures in place to help protect its users from scammers and bots.

For starters, they do manually review photos before allowing them to be uploaded onto the site or app. This helps weed out any potential fakes or catfishers who might try to take advantage of unsuspecting members on the platform. Additionally, there is no two-step verification process available at this time so if you want an extra layer of protection when signing up for your account then this may not be ideal for you either.

That aside though their privacy policy is fairly robust which should give most people peace of mind about how their data will be handled by CatholicMatch going forward – something that can’t always be said about other apps! And while they don’t explicitly state whether or not they actively fight against fake accounts and bots on their website/app – I would assume given all else mentioned above that these are issues taken into consideration as well when running background checks etcetera..

Overall? It’s clear CatholicMatch has done what it can within reason but if ultimate online security is your top priority then perhaps look elsewhere – although thankfully with all things considered here we’re still talking more ‘decent’ than ‘dangerous’.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that caters to Catholics, then CatholicMatch is worth checking out. But don’t expect too much in terms of support – it’s not the best when it comes to customer service.

When I tried contacting them, they took their sweet time getting back to me and my inquiries weren’t answered until after several days had passed by. It was quite frustrating! That said, there are some ways users can access help on this platform:

  • There is an FAQ page with answers about general topics like account management or payment issues; however these aren’t always very helpful since they tend to be pretty vague at times. Plus, if your question isn’t covered here then you’ll have no other option but contact customer service directly via email (which takes forever).

  • Another way would be using the "Contact Us" form available from within your profile settings where you can ask specific questions related only to your own account/profile setup etc.. This method tends to get quicker responses than emails sent through regular channels so keep that in mind as well! Just make sure all information provided is accurate and up-to-date otherwise things could take even longer… yikes!

Overall though? If speediness isn’t something essential for ya when trying ta find love online – CatholicMatch might just do the trick…just don’t go expecting miracles alrighty?

Best for

  • Best for Catholics who are looking to meet someone with similar values.
  • Best for people seeking a long-term relationship or marriage.
  • Best for those interested in connecting with other Catholic singles from around the world.


1. Is CatholicMatch legit?

Yes, CatholicMatch is a legit dating site. It’s been around for quite some time and it has its fair share of success stories. However, there are other sites out there that offer more features and better matches so you may want to explore those options as well.

2. How to sign up for CatholicMatch?

Signing up for CatholicMatch is relatively easy. You just need to fill out a few details about yourself and you’re ready to go. However, I would recommend exploring other dating sites as well since there are many great options available these days.

3. How much does CatholicMatch cost?

CatholicMatch is a decent dating site, but there are better options out there. The cost of the subscription varies depending on how long you sign up for, but it can range from $19.99 to $49.99 per month – so not exactly cheap! All in all though, CatholicMatch isn’t too bad and could be worth checking out if you’re looking for something specific like faith-based matches.

4. Is CatholicMatch working and can you find someone there?

Yes, CatholicMatch is working and you can find someone there. However, I would recommend looking at other dating sites as well to get the best results. It’s worth a try though!

Chris Harders

Chris Harders is an online dating expert and writer who has dedicated his career to helping others find love. He began exploring the world of digital romance in college, where he earned a degree in psychology with a focus on relationships. After graduating, Chris decided to take his knowledge of human behavior and apply it towards understanding how people interact within the realm of modern-day courtship. He started writing reviews for various dating sites and apps soon after leaving school; these articles were widely read by singles looking for advice about which platforms they should use when searching for potential partners or friends online. His honest assessments quickly made him one of the most sought-after experts on this subject matter - both from readers as well as media outlets such as The New York Times, CNN, BBC News & more! With over ten years experience under his belt now (and counting!), Chris continues to provide valuable insight into all aspects related to finding love through technology – including topics like creating effective profiles that stand out from other users’ offerings; tips about successful messaging strategies; what features are important when choosing between different services etc… In addition he also regularly speaks at conferences around North America discussing issues relating specifically internet culture/dating trends too! For those seeking guidance while navigating their way through today's virtual landscape filled with so many options – look no further than Chris Harders: your go-to source if you're serious about making meaningful connections via technology...

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